Give Your Child The Gift Of "Super Schooling"

Unleash The Genius In Your Kid



We Are "Child Focused" Not "Syllabus Focused"

Flexible Subject Choice

Flexible Subject Choice

At Super School, students and parents have complete freedom to choose their own subjects which they would enjoy studying, supported by our personal guidance and counselling session.

Personalised Education

Personalised Education

With 4 hours of daily School, a hybrid online/offline learning model, and self-paced, learning, children can pursue their interest and hobbies while maintaining academic success!

Regular Assessments

Regular Assessments

Students will regularly give mock exams and tests, to ensure that they stay on track, and know where they stand. We use these assessments to track student progress and provide them with the appropriate academic guidance.


to create a world-class educational institution that inspires and empowers children to become lifelong learners and responsible global citizens. At Super School, we believe that every child has unique talents, strengths, and passions that deserve to be nurtured and celebrated. We aim here to help them along the path to self-discovery!

Join us in this new revolution towards celebrating the uniqueness of each child!


Super School Curriculum

Personalised Learning

1. Personalised Learning

We believe each child is Unique and has different strengths, interests, and learning styles. At Super School we customize the learning journey of the child to ensure that they are challenged and supported in a way that is appropriate for their individual needs. Our hybrid model of offline and online learning is designed to reach as many children as possible, no matter where they are located.

Well Rounded Education

2. Well-rounded Education

A well-rounded education includes not only academic subjects, but also arts, sports, and social and emotional learning. We offer a wide range of subjects and activities to help children discover and develop their passion and enjoy their journey. They will have enough time to focus on pursue their hobbies/interests apart from academic learning.

Community Building

3. Community Building

Collaboration is a key skill that children will need to succeed in the future. Super School promotes collaborative learning through like-minded students studying together in groups, having healthy discussions and learning from each other.

Real World Experiences

4. Real World Experiences

Super School will provide opportunities for children to engage in real-world experiences, such as community service, project-based learning, and research. These experiences help children develop important skills and prepare them for the future.

Mind-Body-Spirit Alignment

5. Mind-body-spirit Alignment

Super School will also focus on aligning the mind, body, and spirit of the child. This can be achieved through mindfulness practices, physical activities, and opportunities for children to explore their spirituality. Activities will include a combination of yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, affirmations, and writing in their personal gratitude journal.

Academic Assessments

6. Academic Assessments

Routine mock examinations will be administered to keep students on track, and to give them a sense of where they stand. Regular assessments of student’s academic progress will be maintained, and subsequent specialist guidance will be given to maximise their potential.



1. Critical thinking and problem solving

Children will be taught how to think critically and approach problems creatively. This can be achieved through activities that challenge them to find solutions to real-world problems.


2. Communication and social skills

Children will be encouraged to communicate effectively and work collaboratively. This can be achieved through group projects, presentations, debates, and other activities that require children to work together and communicate their ideas.


3. Leadership and teamwork

Children will be given opportunities to develop their leadership skills and foster a sense of teamwork. This can be achieved through seminars, workshops, and team-based activities, to create a sense of social solidarity.


4. Emotional intelligence and self-awareness

Children will be taught how to manage their emotions and develop self-awareness. This can be achieved through mindfulness practices, meditation, and other activities that help children connect with their emotions and understand themselves better.

Financial Literacy

5. Financial literacy

Children will be taught basic financial skills such as budgeting, saving, and investing. This can be achieved through workshops and activities that teach children how to manage money effectively.

Technology Proficiency

6. Technological proficiency

Technology is an integral part of our lives, and it is important that children learn to use it effectively and responsibly. Super School will teach children how to use it in a way that enhances their learning and development.


7. Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Children will be encouraged to think creatively and develop an entrepreneurial mindset. This can be achieved through activities that challenge children to come up with innovative solutions to problems and develop their own businesses or projects.


8. Environmental awareness and sustainability

Children will be taught the importance of environmental sustainability and how to take care of the planet. This can be achieved through workshops, community service projects, and other activities that promote environmental awareness.

About prof. Dimple

Prof. Dimple’s journey in the field of education is truly remarkable and inspiring. Starting to teach at the young age of 10 with an intention to help children and continuing for over three decades is a testament to her dedication and passion for education. Her vision for creating a more holistic and fulfilling approach to learning is commendable, as it shows her commitment to not just academic success but also importance of personal growth and development. Starting her own institute ‘Eduvoyage International Academy’ for IB and Cambridge Coaching 18 years back shows her entrepreneurial spirit and her commitment to providing high-quality education to her students. Her success in guiding and supporting students as a mentor has been evident in the number of Global and Indian Toppers who have come from her academy and joined Ivy League Universities.

A decade back she recognised that traditional schooling system was not working for some children, leading to a decrease in their self-esteem and sense of self. To support them she started offering home schooling program with a structured approach at Eduvoyage Academy and provided a valuable alternative to those who needed more personalised support and flexibility in their learning. It’s heartening to see that home schooling decision helped every single child to reach their best in academics along with having time to pursue their passion.

Professor Dimple

Prof. Dimple's approach to education places a strong emphasis on personalization and individualization as she strongly believes in the Uniqueness of child. By allowing students to choose the subjects they are interested in and supporting them according to their learning style, she creates a more engaging and fulfilling learning experience. This leads to better academic performance as well as a greater sense of purpose and passion in students. Additionally, her focus on fostering self-awareness and well-being helps students develop a more holistic approach to their personal and academic growth.

Overall, her approach to education aims to support students in their individual journey towards success and fulfilment. Prof. Dimple's dedication to education goes beyond just academic success and takes a more holistic approach to students' overall well-being and personal development. Her expertise as a Certified Counsellor and Conscious Parenting Coach is an added advantage as she can provide students with the emotional support and guidance they need to succeed not only in academics but also in life. Her recognition as an ‘Ambassador for Education’ and ‘Honorary Doctorate’ recipient by the Government of India highlights the impact she has made in the field of education, and her vision for a more nurturing and supportive education system is an inspiration for many. Her impact in the lives of countless students is truly remarkable, and her legacy will continue to inspire future generations.


What Parents say!

1 to 1 Coaching



Frequently Asked Questions

A – Super School follows the International Cambridge Curriculum of IGCSE and A-levels (CAIE – UK)

A – It helps develop application and analytical skills in a student. It also develops problem solving and critical thinking through data interpretation and case studies.

A – We take admissions from Grade 6th-12th.

Checkpoint (Grade 6-8), IGCSE (Grade 9-10), and A-Levels (Grade 11-12).

A – Yes Super School Program is designed to meet the accreditation standards for IGCSE and A Level qualifications of CAIE (Cambridge UK).

A – List of Subjects are mentioned above. There is no compulsion for students to take specific number of subjects, beyond the minimum requirement of the board.

For Checkpoint (English, Maths, Science) ; IGCSE (English, Maths + Any 3) and A-Levels (English + Any 3). However, student can opt for more subjects.

A – Yes for IGCSE Grade10, AS Level & A Levels where Question Paper comes from Cambridge and gets checked there.

A – Last 10 years students who did Home schooling with us have been to both Indian and foreign Universities. The marksheet is considered at par with any regular school, they can apply to any University of their choice.

A -Yes students from Last 10 years doing Home Schooling with us have got recommendation letter and have been very well accepted in Universities in India and Abroad.

A – No, students opting for this unconventional route to education come study at our centre in small group facilitated by our highly qualified and experienced teachers, so there is healthy discussion and collaborative learning with peers.  

A – On an average 4 hours a day, including self study time. Though it may vary a little depending on the number of subjects that a student choose.

A – The Academic Year starts in the month of June and will end in March next year. The orientation happens in the month of April.

A – Learning will be in a small batch so students can have healthy discussions and a collaborative learning experience. If a child needs some extra help, 1-1 session can be provided for extra support.

A – Our centre is at Juhu and Andheri (Lokhandwala) in Mumbai, India. We use Hybrid Model of learning so both offline + online students can benefit. We have students from many different parts of the world.  

A – We provide ongoing support to the student and parent. A Holistic Academic Counselling provided personally by Prof. Dimple is the most crucial part, where she help a student select appropriate subject and suggest changes based on the progress. There are regular assessments and access to educational resources. Our team is fully dedicated to assist the parent and child in these crucial years of their growing up.

A – Our faculty are highly trained and experienced, and we cover all aspects of the academic journey of your child. Extra classes, notes, doubt sessions are all arranged by us to match your child’s academic needs and help them reach their highest potential.

A – Our approach emphasizes holistic development through a combination of academic excellence, building on their emotional intelligence, mental stability and skill development programs in leadership, communication, financial & digital literacy, time management and community service initiatives. We also work on self awareness and consciousness of the child so he knows himself and the world around him better which also develop their spiritual consciousness.

A – Eduvoyage Super School organizes workshops, seminars, role plays, expert talks, research and exploration and various other activities designed to develop and nurture various skills in students, preparing students for future challenges. We also encourage and facilitate community service opportunities for students, fostering a sense of social responsibility and empathy.

A – Absolutely! Our school organizes regular outdoor trips and experiential learning activities, providing students with hands-on experiences that complement their academic studies and bring in the element of fun with learning.

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